Official Selenium Blog

January 5, 2012

Selenium 2.16 Released: Welcome to 2012!

Filed under: Releases,Technical — shs96c @ 11:36 am GMT+0000

It’s been a while since we last blogged about a Selenium release. Since the release of 2.0, we’ve been attempting to give you a fresh and shiny Selenium release every week (though, in reality, we’re managing to get you one every 10 days on average). This allows you to pick the version that’s most suitable for you and your teams, but provides a route for quick feedback on how we’re doing. I think we’ve now ironed out a lot of the initial problems and bumps we ran into, so we are extremely proud to announce the release of Selenium 2.16.

If you’re unsure about what’s been happening since the last time we announced a release here, the best place to look is our changelog. The most notable feature in 2.16 is better support for Firefox 9, but if it’s been a while since you’ve last updated, we’ve been beavering away on bug fixes and making existing features work as flawlessly as possible. Now’s a great time to update!

One of the key tools we use for assessing whether it’s okay to push a release is our continuous build. This watches for each and every change made to the project’s source code, and runs an increasingly vast suite of tests to verify that nothing has broken. Our friends at SauceLabs have been extremely generous in providing support for this, and have worked closely with us to make the build as stable and quick as possible. Special kudos and thanks to them!


  1. Hi,

    It has been long promised that Selenium WebDriver is going to come with Blackberry and Windows support “soon”.
    Can you please tell me when is this planned?

    Feroz Louis

    Comment by Feroz Louis — January 5, 2012 @ 11:43 am GMT+0000 | Reply

    • There’s been a separate Blackberry project for some time. It looks fairly dormant. We’re working on standardizing the WebDriver APIs with the W3C: at that point, we hope that RIM and MS will implement the required drivers

      Comment by shs96c — January 5, 2012 @ 11:47 am GMT+0000 | Reply

  2. Great work. Waiting for the Maven update 🙂

    Comment by Alper — January 5, 2012 @ 1:24 pm GMT+0000 | Reply

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